Daily Archives: November 7, 2011

What WSAZ Sports Should Do…

Those that know me know that I am big on web content and growing litany of web media. It’s no longer the future it is the present. So, that’s where this blog post is heading.

WSAZ is our local NBC affiliate. They cover West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio. And maybe it’s because I grew up with WSAZ but I’ve yet to be able to stomach another local news broadcast from top to bottom. I thoroughly enjoy the WSAZ crew. But I do feel as if they can capitalize (maybe with me, wink wink) on an open opportunity in this region. What am I proposing? Suggesting? Whatever-ing?

I feel that WSAZ Sports needs to expand itself into the digital landscape with a fresh, dedicated website that will enhance the coverage of our region. High school athletics is the driving force here, but this region also has a gluttony of collegiate athletics to cover and 7-10 minutes a broadcast is not enough to scrape the surface. A website, with one to two full-time “editors” or “writers” will be able to provide first-class coverage to this area. This would actually be a project I would love to be a part of. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers so if anything I say is factually inaccurate then please let me know. However, I believe they could post AP stories written by local media outlets to the site. This would help the most in terms of getting new content up immediately following games. But, in my opinion, there are two key things for this endeavor.

1. New, fresh content
Having the dedicated website would allow the sports team to provide more in-depth coverage and do things they probably wish they could do right now. Podcasts, feature articles, longer video highlight packages and the potential for live-streaming games. The first parts are easy enough to accomplish but heavily increase the profile of the website. A weekly Keith Morehouse column would be a winner in my book. Local scouting profiles, highlighting our storied rivalries and a whole lot more. Along with this you could develop pages containing past seasons’ scores and stats – but I admit that’s a lofty goal that would take time and dedication (of which I have, just saying).

As for the live streaming of games… I truly feel that is an underrated aspect to this. Not just from local high school match-ups but our local universities. Shawnee State, Rio Grande, Morehead State, Pikeville, Cambellsville and many others including the possibility for Marshall athletic contests. These are things that could bring in hits and advertisers.

2. Forums
A lot of people don’t like forums but the bottom line is that they help build communities and assist in the value of a web property. has been outspoken about how much traffic their forums generate for their site and make it non-expendable. And the reason I know it would work for the site I am proposing is because I am a member of a local Ohio high school sports forum. And I’m sure you’d think being just Southeastern Ohio that it would maybe draw 100-200 regular members at most? That’s what I thought, and I was wrong. During the peak period, football season, on a Friday night they draw upwards of 800-900 people. The last Friday of the regular season saw a new forum record of 982 visitors online at the same time. Now add in WV and KY to the mix and you are talking thousands of visitors coming to the website to read, watch and discuss.

In my opinion this is an attractive opportunity for WSAZ. I truly believe that this enhances their brand and expands the coverage of our region. It would become the go-to website in our region.

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Posted by on November 7, 2011 in Sports


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